

Luca Pozzi (Milan, 1983) is a visual artist and interdisciplinary mediator. Inspired by the worlds of art, physics, multi-messenger cosmology and computer science, after graduating with a degree in painting and specializing in computer graphics and systems, he collaborates with visionary scientific communities, including Loop Quantum Gravity (PI), Compact Muon Solenoid (CERN) and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (INFN, NASA). 

Studying quantum gravity, teleportation, time travel, cosmology and particle physics, the theoretical research is converted in a series of hybrid installations characterized by magnetized sculptures, levitating objects, light drawings, AR / VR cross-reality experiences and a performative use of photography based on a strange feeling of frozen time and multidimensionality. 

His work has been exhibited in major museums and galleries in Italy and abroad, and his pieces are part of prestigious public and private collections, including the Mart of Rovereto, the MAMbo of Bologna, the MEF of Turin, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs collection “LA FARNESINA” and the Archive of Spatial Aesthetics and Praxis of New York. He is known for his photographic series “Supersymmetric Partners”, documenting real jumps in front of the Renaissance paintings of Paolo Veronese, and for his use of electromagnetic levitation technologies in futuristic installations such as “Schroedinger’s cat through Piero Della Francesca influence “(Museo Marino Marini, 2010), “9 Churches 9 Columns” (Moscow Biennale, 2011) and “The Star Platform” (Marrakech Biennale, 2012). In 2013, he invented the device of light drawing by remotely “Oracle” (DLD, Haus der Kunst, Monaco); In 2015 he presented “The Messengers of Gravity” monograph (MEF, Turin) and two years later he activated the cross-disciplinary “Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object” project at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva). In 2017 he attended “Documenta 14” as part of the “Eternal Internet Brotherhood community” (Kassel). Of 2018 is his first immersive installation with VR and AR components “The Grandfather Platform”. He is currently collaborating with the INFN on the integration of particle detectors in his artworks, to expand the sensoriality of the human body towards the new frontiers of quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

DOWNLOAD Portfolio in pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oSfVEIEEfuak9IaaImj6dVWOCkGxh1D7/view?usp=sharing

Selected Solo Exhibitions


“Rosetta Mission 2022” curated by Sineglossa at Meet Digital Culture Center, Milan.

“Dragon’s Egg Trilogy”, curated by Manuela Valentini during Artcity, Bologna at TAG Airport, Bologna


“Hyperinascimento”, curated by Lorenzo Respi at FMAV (Fondazione Modena Arti Visive), Modena.

“Rosetta Mission 2020”, curated by Elisabetta Modena and Sofia Pirandello ERC An-Icon at Casa Degli Artisti, Milan.


“The Dark Collection – Sistine Chapel”, curated by Swan Station, Vatican Museums, Vatican-City.


“The Dark Collection – Brera”, curated by Swan Station, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.

“The Grandfather Platform” curated by Emilia Garito, Fuksas’s Nuvola during TED x Rome.

“Degrees of Freedom” curated by Francesca Campana at Contemporary Cluster, Rome.

“Mikey Explosion” curated by Milena Becci at Sondare L’altrove, Pesaro.


“The Grandfather Platform” curated by Maura Pozzati, in collaboration with Fondazione del Monte and Unicredit Italia, INFN and Bepart at Quadreria di Palazzo Magnani, Bologna.

“Signal – The Dragon’s Egg” curated by Alessandro Azzoni  at Edicola Radetzky, Milan.


“BlazingQuasi-StelarObject” curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi – INTERNET SAGA, in collaboration with Fermi Lat, INFN and Nasa at CERN Large Hadron Collider, Geneve CH.


“Discovery & Premonitions” curated by Carson Chan at Alexander Levy Gallery, Berlin.


“The Messengers of Gravity” curated by Gianluigi Ricuperati at MEF (Museo Ettore Fico), Turin.

“Detectors”, at FL Gallery, Milan.

“Loops 2015” International conference on Loop Quantum Gravity, Erlangen.

“Statement”, curated by Fabrizio Paperini at Carico Massimo, Livorno.


“Instagram Time Paradox”, performance at Museo del Novecento, Milan, Hocgallery.


“The Messages of Gravity”, curated by Mario Margiani at The Grimmuseum, Berlin.


“Oracle”, Riot Studio, Naples;

“Waiting 4 Oracle”, curated by Emanuele Catellani, Barriera Foundation, Turin;

“Waiting 4 Orcle [1560-2012]”, Kabe Contemporary, Miami, FL, USA.


“Loops” C.I.S.C. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientìficas, Madrid.


“U-Drawings”, curated by Carson Chan, Galleria Federico Luger, Milan;

“O.S.O.B.E. [Other Side Of Brane Experiment]”, Complesso Monumentale di Santa Maria della Vita, Bologna;

“A.E.W.O.M. [Le strabisme du dragon] Aleph Exeriment Without Mass”, curated by Alberto Salvadori, Museo Marino Marini, Florence.


“M. [Southern California – Italy] 1995/2009”,  curated by Valerio Borgonuovo, Galleria Astuni, Bologna/Pietrasanta;

“W.O.G.U.[Pennsylvania-Italy] 1983/2009”, curated by Valerio Borgonuovo, Federico Luger, Milan.



Selected Group Exhibitions:


“Da Guarene all’Etna” curated by Filippo Maggia, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene.

“Materialize” An artistic journey into the quantum universe, curated by State Studio, Berlin.

“Orrido 120” Curated by Something Must Break and Zoe de Luca at Swan Station.

“LIVING IN THE CTHULUCENE”, Curated by Valentino Catricalà at the Italian Embassy Cultural Centre of New Delhi in collaboration with the Basu Foundation for the Arts.


“The Powerful Line” at Galleria Astuni, Bologna.

“The Collectors Choice” curated by Claus Busch Risvig at Eduardo Secci Gallery, Florence.

“Do Disturb”, curated by Vittoria Matarrese, Palais de Tokyo, Paris.

“Art Rotterdam” curated by Lorenzo Benedetti, Galleria Eduardo Secci, Rotterdam.


“Forever Never Comes”  curated by Lapo Simeoni   Museo Archeologico, Grosseto.

“Documenta 14” participation at the Eternal Internet Brotherhood, with Angelo Plessas, Andreas Angelidakis, Miriam J.Caranza,Bil Kouligas, Caspar Jade Heinemann, Kolbeinn Hugi, Stephanie Kretowicz, Imaad Majeed.

“Rivelamenti” curated by Bruno Corà, CAMUSAC, Cassino.

“NautilusPartI”, Curated by Zoe De Luca at Marselleria, Milan.
”Friends Only, Internet is Present”, curated by Karolien Buurmanand, Florian Mecklenburg and Very Very Contemporary, Vriend Vanbavink Gallery, Amsterdam;
”Self management” Galeria Enrico Astuni,Bologna;

“A Mystical Staircase” curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi at 63rd-77 Steps, online exhibition.


“NOTHING ENDURES BUT CHANGE”, curated by Chefanie Greimel & Johannar T. Wallenborn at Lehrter Siebzehn, Berlin;

“Free Things”, curated by Jack Fisher, Online exhibition based in Leeds, UK.


“One step ahead moving backwards”, curated by Elisa R. Linn, Lennart Wolff, and Hicham Khalidi, Leap, Berlin;

“Me, Me, Mirror”, curated by Kathrin Oberrauch, Hariviera Gallery, Tel Aviv;

“Fata Morgana”, curated by Antonia Alampi, Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna;

“Group show II”, Alexander Levy Gallery, Berlin;

“Italian Project -1”, Dimora Artica, Milan;

“Extradelicato II”, Milan;

“The Ñewpressionism” Swiss Institute, Milan.


“Mediterranea 16 Biennial” special project Future Visions curated by Manuela Valentini, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona.

“Open Monument”, curated by Marta Jecu, Bethanien Kunstraum, Berlin;

“Italian stories”, Bologna art fair, Bologna.


“Marrakech Biennale, Higher Atlas”, curated by Nadim Samman and Carson Chan, Teatre Royal, Marrakech; Morocco.


“T.O.E [theory of everything]”, Centre d’art Bastille, Grenoble;

“Focus on Contemporary Italian Artist”, Collezione Permanente; MAMBO, Bologna;

“Principia”, Solares e Cosmit event, Piazza del Duomo, Milan;

Broken Fall, Organic, curated by Alessandra Pace and Giovanni Jovane; Galleria Astuni, Bologna;


“La Scultura Italiana del XXI sec.”, curated by Marco Meneguzzo, Fondazione Pomodoro, Milan;

“2nd Moscow International Biennale For Young Art ’Qui Vive?”, The White Hall, Moscow;

“Languages and Experimentations, Young artists in a contemporary collection”, curated by Giorgio Verzotti and Hans Ulrich Obrist; MART Rovereto, Italy;

“Atmosphere”; Galerie Pangée, Montreal, Quebec.


“La différence?”, C.A.B. Centre d’Art Bastille, Grenoble;

Sensibili Energie, Galleria d’arte Contemporanea, Arezzo.

2008 /2007

“Situazionisola, A New Urbanism”, Isola Art Center, Milan;

“Leap into the Void, Proposte XXII”, Accademia Albertina, Turin;


The People’s Choice, curated by Marco Scotini, Isola Art Center, Milan.



2014 Eternal Internet Brotherhood Residency, Dead Sea, Israel-Palestine (http://eternalinternetbrotherhood.tumblr.com);

2012 Guest at The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo Ontario, Canada and at The Penn State University, State College, USA;

2011 Mazama Residency /2011, Mazama Washington State, United States (www.mazamaresidency.org);

2011 Loop Quantum Gravity Seminary, C.I.S.C. / Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cienfìcas, Madrid;

2010 Program | initiative for Art+Architecture Collaborations, Berlin (www.programonline.de);

2010 Guest at The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Berlin;

2009 Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Centre International d’ accueil et d’echanges des Rècollets, Paris (www.denafoundationd.com);

2007 Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, Painting;

2005 Albe Steiner Institute, Milan, 3D modeling and Informatic Systems.



2022 Winner of the AI4Future European residency program at MEET Center, Milan;

2021 Winner of the An-Icon (An-Iconology ERC: History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images), European residency program at Casa Degli Artisti, Milan;

2018 Finalist, Leonardo Comune di Milano Award;

2012 First prize, Ettore Fico award, Turin;

2012 Finalist at Talent Prize, MACRO, Rome;

2012 Special mention, Premio Moroso;

2011 First Prize, Icona, Art-Verona;

2009 Finalist at Premio Cairo, Milan;

2006 First Prize, Premio Internazionale Scultura Piemonte, Regione Piemonte.



-Mart of Rovereto (http://www.mart.tn.it/)

-Mambo of Bologna (http://www.mambo-bologna.org/)

-MEF of Turin (http://www.museofico.it/)

-Artist Pension Trust of London (http://www.aptglobal.org/en/)

-ASAP, The Archive of Spatial Aesthetics and Praxis of New York (http://www.a–s–a–p.com/start-page-grid)



2015 Luca Pozzi, Monograph, “The Messengers of Gravity” curated by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Essay and text by Sabrina Tarasoff, Ute Meta Bauer, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Carlo Rovelli.

2013 Open Monument, curated by Marta Jecu, published by Bethanien Kunstraum.

2012 Storie Italiane, published by Maretti, curated by Laura Cherubini and Lea Mattarella; Classical and Quantum Gravity, published by IOP Publishing.

2010, A.E.W.O.M. [Le strabisme du dragon], published by Gli Ori, Museo Marino Marini, curated by Alberto Salvadori and Valerio Borgonuovo;

La Scultura Italiana del XXI secolo, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro edition, curated by Marco Meneguzzo;

Languages and Experimentations, YOUNG ARTISTS IN A CONTEMPORARY COLLECTION, Mart Museum. Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Giorgio Verzotti.