The “Arkanian Window” (2024) is a technological animism specimen, that lives simultaneously on macroscopic (Analog), subatomic (Quantum Interactions), and digital (Telegram / Internet) platforms.

Originally made by up of an abandoned seventeenth century Altar, it has been restored, modified and equipped with a particle detector created in collaboration with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN @infn_insights ) which makes it sensitive to the passage of Muons coming from the stratosphere but correlated to violent explosions generated in the deep space.

Every time a particle interacts with the Alart, a blue LED, located in the tabernacle, flash creating a bridge with the visitor’s relative perspective.

A hyper architectural device, programed with a rudimental artificial intelligence, able to convert the particle revelation into a word randomly selected from a pool of texts about the ancient Chinese Book of Chages.

Iconographically the art-work combines different interdisciplinary references connected to the christian symbolism: 1) Instead of the “ALTAR PIECE” a checkerboard aluminum circuit with 16 magnetically floating pin-pong balls. 2) While a series of black crystals hold the necessary tools for the activation of a 3000 years old divination ceremony. 3) A Smart phone containing an updated digital version of the Ancient Chinese the Book of Changes (I CHING). 4) Three “Third Eye Prophecy Divinatory Coins” minted specifically in order to obtain the hexagram by throwing the 3 coins. The coins feature on one side the effigy of the Third Eye Prophecy Temple, while on the other a mathematical diagram by theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli called “Amplitude” which describes the phase transition between a white hole and a black hole at the Planck scale.

Every 16 revelations the art-work creates a phrase, a kind of japanese contemporary Haiku, with an open divinatory sense, ready to be shared, as a public message, on his personal Telegram profile (, inhabited by the “Arkanian Window” avatar version in 3D graphics.

The final stage of the multi-layerd experience is a dedicated web-site ( where the Arkanian, as a quantum prophet, declaims the last Message with a self generated browser voice.

It is a hybrid experiment created to highlights the biodiversity of physical phenomena beyond the classic concept of sensitive matter and the rigid duality of analog and digital. It underlines the existence of correlations at a distance, organized in an intimately hyperconnected web of relations that connects events from multiple times and spaces.

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar from the real time dedicated website:

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar (detail) from the real time dedicated website:

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar from the real time dedicated website:

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar (detail) from the real time dedicated website:

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar (detail) from the real time dedicated website:

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar (detail) from the real time dedicated website:

Arkanian Window 3D Graphics Avatar (detail) from the real time dedicated website:

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic