Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object (Special Project)
Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object
> Luca Pozzi
> curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi
> Fermi Large Area Telescope Meeting
> 29.03.2017
> CERN Auditorium
>> A multi-messenger astrophysics meeting shares the stage with contemporary art. On March 29 at CERN, Geneva, Luca Pozzi will present his project Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object organized by curatorial duo Francesco Urbano Ragazzi.
The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) Spring Collaboration Meeting, which every year brings together more than 150 astrophysicists to discuss analysis of data collected by the Fermi satellite telescope, will host the project. The 2017 edition of the convention will take place in the CERN Auditorium, in the same room that announced the discovery of the Higgs boson to the world.
From the first day of the summit, in addition to a series of environmental and performative interventions, a digital artwork dedicated to the Fermi Telescope will be exhibited. The work will be also available to view and free to download through the NASA website.
So Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object inhabits at least two layers: the first being the CERN auditorium, experienced solely by the physicists attending the Collaboration Meeting, while the second is via the media and the subsequent documentation of the event. This second layer of existence places this project in The Internet Saga, a platform for artistic research in the information society directed by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi.
Being the fourth episode of the Saga, which started in Venice in 2015, the tale of Blazing Quasi-Stellar Object will unfold through the social media of the platform and eventually land to the Fermi NASA website and expand through unexplored channels.
>>> Full Press Release: