Contemporanee / Contemporanei

Posted by on Aug 29, 2019 in News | No Comments

The Dean of Università di Verona Nicola Sartor

and the President of AGI Verona Giorgio Fasol

are glad to invite you to the


Opening of “Contemporanee/Contemporanei”

on September the 10th, h 17.45, 

at Polo Santa Marta, via Cantarane 24, Verona.


More then 80 artworks from the AGIVERONA Collection will be exhibited at Polo Santa Marta and other locations of Università, thanks to the 5 years agreement between the University and AGIVERONA.

The exhibition, curated by Denis Isaia, includes also a project of research and cultural contamination dedicated to the university students. “Contemporanee/Contemporanei” represents an innovative project of dissemination of contemporary art which will include artworks by Loris Cecchini, Luca Pozzi, Jiri Kovanda, Adrian Paci, Jorge Peris and Gianni Caravaggio and others. In addition to that talks, workshops, guided tours and other activities involving students and professors.

An open invitation to the community to discover and relate with contemporary art.